INMUN conference 2024

The school's MUN club hosted their third annual INMUN conference from November the 30th to December the 1st. 

Seks personer i et auditorium. - Klikk for stort bildeThe students who were the chairs -debate moderators: Julie Fredriksen-Skogli, Stian Quoc Phong Pham, Victoria Alexandra Jinming Aas, Torbjørn Waldemar, Mikkel Eng Mathiassen and Arve Reier Tømmerstigen. Kasper Berge Rundbråten

Delegates engaged in important international issues centred around the guiding theme of “From turmoil to tranquility, Creating stability in an increasingly unstable world”. 

Issues such as the Lebanon-Israel conflict and the October floods in Nigeria were discussed, where each committee drafted an action plan to solve it.

Educational simulation

Tre personer. - Klikk for stort bildePresident Torbjørn and Victoria listening to a speech from Eva Katarina from Elverum vgs. Kasper Berge Rundbråten Peroner i et auditorium. - Klikk for stort bildeDiscussions in the auditorium. Kasper Berge Rundbråten

Model United Nations (MUN) is an educational simulation where participants represent countries in international discussions and debates following MUN procedure. 

Through drafting resolutions, negotiating and collaborating, delegates work to address global issues whilst getting lifelong experience in diplomacy. 

45 students from various schools

We as the club spent months planning this conference and seeing it come to fruition despite adversity was a joy. 

We welcomed 45+ students from various schools, our farthest guests coming from Borås Sweden. 

We hope that every participant had a brilliant weekend, and we welcome everyone back to INMUN 2025.

Torbjørn Waldemar and Mikkel Eng Mathiassen from 3IBA were responsible for the event, well helped by MUN coordinator Guro Hageengen.





Åtte personer. - Klikk for stort bildeStudents from various schools. Kasper Berge Rundbråten
Fem personer. - Klikk for stort bildeOrganizers and participants. Kasper Berge Rundbråten