Subject choices

In the IBDP you select 6 subjects that you study over 2 years. You must choose subjects from the different subject groups.  

Subject choices in the IBDP

You must choose 3 Higher Level (HL) and 3 Standard Level (SL) subjects, one from each of the subject groups offered.

Self-taught in group 1 (SL only) is at the discretion of the coordinator and requires the student to provide a native tutor in a language they are fluent in.

Placement tests will be conducted where necessary, and the school reserves the rights to move students to the appropriate level.

Subject choices are binding for the duration of the two-year IBDP, although adjustments will be considered before the October break in year one at the discretion of the coordinator.

Norwegian Universities require Norwegian B at HL and other requirements exist nationally and internationally based on subject interests. You need to inform yourself as much as possible before making subject choices to prepare for your education after the IBDP. 

Read more about the subjects

The IBDP model 

The IBDP model illustrates the programme; the international-mindedness encircles the programme,  there are 6 subject groups, the core and the methodology for teaching and learning. 

IB Diploma programme model. - Klikk for stort bildeIB Diploma programme model. IB

How to apply